Please note that we are closed from February 27th until March 7th for annual vacation!
We will ship your order until February 26th and from March 10th onwards!
Additional savings on organic food!
1% off orders over €50
2% off orders over €75
3% off orders over €100
5% off orders over €250
7% off orders over €400
Free shipping within Germany on orders over €75.
* = Zutaten aus ökol. Landbau
** = Zutaten aus biol.dynamischem Anbau
Diese Zutatenliste entspricht einer Volldeklaration im Sinne der Richtlinien des Bundesverbandes Naturkost und Naturwaren
Qualität & Kontrolle: 100% bio, EWG 834/2007 Norm, Bio-Siegel / DE-ÖKO-006
We are happy to inform you about a price change of this product respectively when it hits the price you want to purchase.
Kichererbsen in Rohkostqualität 2,5 kg BIO von DAVERT
10 kg gelbe Sojabohnen ideal zur Tofu und Milch Herstellung
Priesgünstige Vorratspackung in Papiertüte
NEWSTARTCENTER eShop - Healthy Ideas for your life, buy cheap online. Online store for organic products, lifestyle articles and accessories
Naturheilpraxis Blumenthal
Over 26 years Online Shop from NEWSTARTCENTER® 1997-2023 - Certified by the inspection body DE-ÖKO-006