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Once upon a time, a man came to this earth who loved children. It was God Himself, in human form, and His name was Jesus. He could have come as an adult, but He chose to become a child, an infant even. Yes, He went so far as to become man just as you became man - in His mother‘s womb, very tiny at the beginning, but constantly growing, just as you are constantly growing to this day. He wanted to understand what children experience, so that He could be there for them in all their questions and joys and sorrows..
And when He grew up and at the age of 30 began to travel the country as a preacher and helper and healer, He paid special attention to the children, because He had not forgotten that He Himself had once been a child. A boy who was tormented by demons, He set free. A girl who had just died of a terrible disease, He woke up again. And when His disciples were arguing about which of them was the most important, He placed a child like you in their midst and said: „Learn from this child! This is how people who want to go to heaven must be.“
This exciting book tells the story of a very big and strong God, who was ready to become very small and helpless for you. But in fact He was the greatest of all heroes! He has defeated all evil and darkness forever. He wants to become your protector and your very best friend. Do you want to get to know Him? Then start reading „The Story of Jesus“ today.
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Ein Buch für alle, die Kinder lieben oder gern lieben würden.
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