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Ishmael and Islam in the Bible

This book recounts the story of Abraham, Hagar, and Ishmael from a completely new perspective.

ArtNr.: 250-411

16,95 €*
Ishmael and Islam in the Bible Ishmael and  Islam in the Bible
Gewicht: 0.4 kg
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This book recounts the story of Abraham, Hagar, and Ishmael from a completely new perspective. It analyses the promises for them, stakes out Ishmael's territory, and maps the Arab culture created by him.

ISHMAEL AND ISLAM IN THE BIBLE traces the fascinating interplay between Ishmaelites and Israelites throughout Scripture. It shows which Bible books, chapters, and verses have been influenced by the East and which Bible heroes and heroines were Arabs.

The book explains the connection between Ishmael and Islam, quotes the Qur'an, and speaks about Muhammad. The reader will be inspired to rethink the relation between modern heirs of Abraham – Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

The author does not conceal the problems Abraham's children have had among themselves. Yet he points to the gems that the Children of the East have generously provided. Thus he hopes to build more bridges and to inject more peace and non-violence into our day-to-day life.

The reader finds scores of Bible verses, four intriguing charts and eight geographic maps, many of them depicting important journeys of characters presented in this book. There is a wealth of detail to enjoy combined with an easy and absorbing read.

Author:  Kai Frederic Mester
softcover 148 pages.

Hersteller / Produzent / Inverkehrbringer: NEWSTARTCENTER, Marius Fickenscher, Hauptstr. 62, 79348 Freiamt, Deutschland

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