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I'm Never Alone - Derrol Sawyer

If we are faithful, we can be confident that we are in the presence and protection of our Heavenly Father. We can be happy, and victorious because we're "Never Alone."

ArtNr.: 250-3029

16,00 €*
I'm Never Alone - Derrol Sawyer I'm Never Alone  -  Derrol Sawyer
Gewicht: 0.2 kg
Lieferfrist ca. 3-5 Werktage >> Ab 75,- EUR versandkostenfrei innerhalb Deutschland

I'm Never Alone

Although at times we are subjected to trials, disappointments, injuries, hardships, sorrow, heartbreak, and pain, remember that God always has each one of us on His mind. He is always in control and nothing comes our way unless He has screened it first and chooses to allow it. With that in mind, there is no need to be discouraged because in the end we will see that it was all for our good, for the strengthening of Character. If we are faithful, we can be confident that we are in the presence and protection of our Heavenly Father. We can be happy, and victorious because we're "Never Alone." -- Derrol Sawyer

Hersteller / Produzent / Inverkehrbringer: NEWSTARTCENTER, Marius Fickenscher, Hauptstr. 62, 79348 Freiamt, Deutschland

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