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Steps to Christ

This fully colour-illustrated version beautifully depicts our Father as a wonderful Creator and gracious Redeemer.

ArtNr.: 9781904685845

2,90 €*
Steps to Christ Steps to Christ
Gewicht: 0.2 kg
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Steps to Christ has passed its 125th anniversary, charting a discipleship pathway for many to experience a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. The iconic opening line, ‘Nature and Revelation alike testify of God’s love’, has resonated with many, igniting the spark that leads to a lifelong walk with Christ. The book begins by introducing God, before moving on to the need of mankind for a Saviour and addressing themes of confession, forgiveness and, discipleship, concluding with ‘Rejoicing in the Lord’.

This fully colour-illustrated version beautifully depicts our Father as a wonderful Creator and gracious Redeemer.

Title: Steps to Christ
Author: Ellen G. White
First Edition: 1992; This Edition: 2010
Publisher: The Stanborough Press Ltd.
Chapters: 13     Pages: 128

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