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The Great Controversy

Ellen White traces the battle from the end of the New Testament to the present day

ArtNr.: 9783906309521

5,00 €*
The Great Controversy The Great Controversy
Gewicht: 0.59 kg
Lieferfrist ca. 3-5 Werktage >> Ab 75,- EUR versandkostenfrei innerhalb Deutschland

A battle is raging. On one side is God and good. On the other side is the devil and evil. Much of the activity is off-stage. What occurs on the stage of history is the outworking of the spiritual conflict through human agencies — empires and nations, religious movements and political forces — individuals. Ellen White traces the battle from the end of the New Testament to the present day. She then uses the prophetic and apocalyptic portions of Scripture to shine an arc-light into the future.

Autor: Ellen G. White
Hersteller: Advent-Verlag Schweiz
Seiten: 720
Ausgabe: 2021
ISBN: 978-3-906309-52-1
ISBN-13: 978-3-906309-52-1
Format: 720 S., Paperback, 14 x 21 cm
Originaltitel: The Great Controversy
Sprache: Englisch
Art.-Nr.: 9783906309521

Hersteller / Produzent / Inverkehrbringer: NEWSTARTCENTER, Marius Fickenscher, Hauptstr. 62, 79348 Freiamt, Deutschland

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